As our project focuses on transportation, we collected a fair amount of statistical and observational data from GIS and first-person sources. Transportation indeed contains many elements and spreads over a vast area across the city. Through both brainstorming and datastorming sessions, our team narrowed our focus to three neighborhoods in Querétaro. Our goal is to not necessarily connect the neighborhoods, but to connect the people who live in the neighborhoods to a larger network of accessibility. We intend to do this through transportation at different scales — primary, secondary, and tertiary. We know we cannot fix the entire transportation system of Querétaro, but we aim to provide a model or representation for what can be used to create better access throughout the city, particularly for those of marginalized population groups.
Through brainstorming, sketching, and creating sections, we are better able to understand current conditions, topography, and possible solutions to address each neighborhood within the network.